<The Little MermaidⅡ>中一开场Alice对Melody唱的那首歌叫什么?

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/09/20 10:49:23
好像有一句"you are the song i'm singing,you are beautiful Melody."

Down to the Sea

You are my world, my darling
What a wonderful world I see
You are the song I'm singing
You're my beautiful Melody

Darling, we?d better be going

Look at her, isn't she glowing?

She looks divine, and you look exquisite
But look at the time

Couldn't be, is it?

The crew is awaiting your orders

We're sailing away from our borders

(Sailor 1)
Steady, boy, steady

(Sailor 2)
Ahoy there, they're coming!

Trumpeters ready, drummers start drumming

Down to the sea we go
Down to a world I know
There's never been, not ever before
A child born of sea and shore

(Human Chorus)
Down to t